Travel Paperwork: Up to date passport (Passport exporation date starts 6 months before the date of trip.) as well as Real ID.
Prescriptions/Medications: Have everything you bring in original containers. Bring extra as a contingency plan incase you don't get back when you expect. Pack in your carry-on luggage.
Prescriptions/Medications: Have everything you bring in original containers. Bring extra as a contingency plan incase you don't get back when you expect. Pack in your carry-on luggage.
Trip Insurance: This is a must!! If something goes sideways at the last minute and you can't make the trip or have to leave the trip early, there are NO REFUNDS. Trip insurance is an in-expensive and a practical way to prepare for the unexpected. I recommend Allianz Travel Insurance. When you get your quote, be sure to put in the code: F213386 where it says "Travel Agent ACCAM?" Just click on it and put the code in. THANK YOU!!
Equipment/Other Details: Refer to this website for the specific trip you are going on for more detailed information.